Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Demanding Change...

If you've been reading your international news lately, you've probably noticed things happening in the continent of Africa. Like the uprising in Tunisia, a Northern Africa Arab (98% Muslim) nation. The current president (dictator) was ousted by violent protests after 23 years of power, because of unemployment, freedom of speech, and corruption, among other things.

Or Southern Sudan, which is breaking off of Sudan in search for its own identity.

TMS Ruge, a Ugandan native and "successful entrepreneur" insightfully writes for CNN that "While the developed nations drag their feet on inclusive trade agreements with emerging markets, Africa is busy redefining itself."

His point throughout the article is something that I definitely experienced in my short time in Uganda - the youth are restless! And they, more than anyone else, hold the keys to change on their own continent.

Trends are already taking place:

  • East Africa's MPESA which allows millions of people access to banking power (money transfer) that would typically not have access to services like this, let alone credit or savings which are a key to development
  • Africa's strong access to broadband internet, meaning access to huge amounts of information
  • Kenya's Business Processing Outsourcing, which provides cheaper services for international firms and jobs in Africa
  • The "reaspera" movement, of Africans (usually well-educated, leaders, world changers) having the opportunity to return to their homeland
The point is, that times are changing in Africa, and with a very young, ideal, and hopeful population, that change could come about very quickly.

Some family friends recently moved to Uganda to work at a youth camp. What a great place to invest, in the lives of Africa's future innovators and leaders!