So I just finished reading a book called "No More Christian Nice Guy" by Paul Coughlin that was laying on a shelf in our house and caught my attention (very cheesey, I know). Needless to say, it was challenging, especially into the life of Jesus and how it compares with today's portrayal of what a Christian nice guy (CNG) should look like, such as:
- Be passive and avoid conflict
- Don't say things that insult others
- Turn the other cheek
- Be humble and submissive
These are part of great character, but they are not ALL there is to great character. Jesus broke all of these principles at one time or another, for the right reasons of course. Some principles that are often overlooked include:
- Initiator - Jesus did not wait for others to tell him what to do next
- Compassionate - especially for the sick
- Confrontational - how He spoke to the Pharisees
- No fear of others opinion - Jesus did as He knew was right, eating with sinners, healing on the Sabbath
- Extreme, not-holding-back love - dying an undeserved death as a criminal
How can we live in such an unashamed, unselfish way? To make a difference in a world that so desperately needs movers? I have so many examples to follow, of people who are leading the way, showing me what it looks like to give 100%, to not turn back. My Great Uncle and Aunt, Dr. John and Clara giving their lives to leprosy patients in Paraguay. My Uncle Tom and Aunt Marcy, giving up comfort to share with others the true peace that we can experience only in a relationship with God. And my parents, giving so generously out of what they have been given.
Will our generation unselfishly step up to the challenge?