Monday, August 30, 2010

Africa is...?

Well, right now I really should be doing my Stats homework and reading for Econ, but after thinking about Africa all day (and not my classes, opps), I felt like I should continue "debriefing" on my blog as I promised myself I would. Which brings me to one of the most impressive parts of my trip - the game reserve with Ronald and Joseph!

My sister and brother-in-law gave me some cash to use for "fun" and it took us all the way to Nakuru National Park in Kenya!

It was incredible seeing all these animals (and a lot more) in their natural environment, it seriously puts zoos to shame! (I never thought about it before, but pretty much all the cool animals in zoos come from Africa).

Zebra's coming to the watering hole.

Nakuru has some of the worlds few nearly extinct white rhinos. Don't get out of the car. (Also notice the 1.5 million pink flamingos)

Yawning/mad/shouting zebra!

Ronald "Mazune" and Joseph, both new workers with MMM. Neither had seen hardly any African animals before or traveled out of Uganda.

1 comment:

  1. Those are very striking pictures, Greg. Looks like an amazing place.
