Thursday, August 5, 2010

Finally Pics!

If you didnt get the vibe from my first post, my time in Uganda was really incredible. In just 2 short months I was stretched in a lot of ways like preaching and teaching, cultural barriers, a few sickness issues, etc but God was faithful and I felt so blessed not only to have the opportunity to go, but the experiences I did as well.

Here are some beginning snapshots of my time there.

Very typical village setting, lots of shy but curious kids that love to get their picture taken and then see the result on your camara.

Mbale, my Ugandan town of 10,000 to 400,000 in a district of 4 million. Depends who you ask!

At one point a thief broke into my neighbors house and stole a few things. The police used a dog to track down the guys house. Apparently he had been drunk that night and here are his wife and kids, hungry and asking for mercy. Tough situation!

Mbale at dusk, lots of great Kansas!

Me at the source of the Nile River at Lake Victoria - a British explorer first found the source, which later led Uganda to become a British colony.

A church service in the village. Fun fact of the day: Ugandans, even 2 year olds, seem to be born with perfect rhythm (not so here, haha).

My backyard

Discipleship in action: the first week I was there, Sam Soita, director MMM, taught me how to wash clothes by hand.

Whew! There is so much more I learned and want to blog about. This is just a tip of the iceberg. I just LOVE Uganda, its people, culture, climate, etc and would return in a heart beat!

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