Wednesday, April 27, 2011

TV or food?

An interesting article from The Economist makes an interesting point when it states that the life of the poor is often very boring. "Villages do not have movie theatres, concert halls, places to sit and watch interesting strangers go by...even work."

I'm not sure I completely buy the argument-rural poor often find many things to keep themselves occupied, and are often much more innovative and creative than their lazy spoon-fed counterparts -referring to us-but it does partially explain why some people, if given the money, will purchase a television before they purchase food.

The argument is that "things that make life less boring are a priority for the poor," and therefore food policy should be redesigned with this in mind. It should not be a surprise that the poor reject nutritious food and dietary supplements. And why the rich eat McDonald's every day?

Basically, it is a great reminder not to ignore the preferences of the poor. They are real.


  1. where is the article? I'd like to read it! i do believe too that there is often much more creativity found in poverty than in wealth--it makes me think of the book Little Women... :) but the poverty that is not boring it probably not extreme poverty--all in a balanced life....

  2. Good point on balance, check out Proverbs 30:8 "Give me neither poverty nor riches,but give me only my daily bread."

    the link is here
